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Standing on the Solid Rock - JESUS
OCOGOAI Evangelistic Team

"Winning Souls for Christ"
Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.
                       Mark 1:17

We are servants of GOD, Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are God’s workmanship”, which implies that you are a “work in progress.”  Throughout our lives, God is continually shaping us into the people he wants us to be.  When first called by Jesus, Simon was presumptuous, opinionated, hotheaded and self-centered.  Why did God choose him?  God looks at the heart.  Man looks on the outside, but God looks deep down into a person and sees what a person can become.  In changing his name to Peter, Jesus meant, “When I get through with you, you’re going to be something much greater.”  GOD don’t want you to be discouraged about your past or present lives.  GOD loves you unconditionally, he  has a great plan and purpose for your life.  Remember, You are in the process of being “completed.”

You can receive a Word from the LORD through these great men and women of God; upon your request for Revivals and/or one day services.

Elder France Copeland (National Evangelist)